Mark spoke unto the group and said...
Post by MarkCan anyone help me create text that appears to be cut from the U.S. Flag?
Assuming you have a picture of the US flag either bitmap or vector the
following method will work in Draw
First check the Draw option - tools/options/workspace/edit/auto centre
new powerclip contents is unchecked
Create a rectangle the same size, or slightly smaller than (but in the
same aspect ratio) as the flag clip art
Centre the rectangle on the flag clipart
Create some text and position it within the rectangle.
Trim the rectangle with the text
Give the text no fill
Group the text and the trimmed rectangle (easier to select objects in
wireframe view)
Select only the flag clipart
Select the option effects/powerclip/place inside container
Then select the grouped rectangle/text object
When the powerclip operation is complete ungroup the object